How to uninstall eZee FrontDesk?

In order to uninstall eZee FrontDesk NextGen, please follow the instructions given below.

  • 01
    Go to “Add or Remove Programs” or “Program and Features” (for Windows 7 and higher). If you are not able to find it, just follow the path given below
    Click on Start >> Control Panel >> “Add or Remove Programs” or “Program and Features” (for Windows 7 and higher).
  • 02
    In the list of installed programs, Select eZee NextGen and click on “Remove/Uninstall”. Please wait for few seconds for it uninstall.
  • 03
    Once that is complete, please find Microsoft SQL server 2005 and click on “Remove/Uninstall”.
  • 04
    You will see a new pop window and select the instance “EZEENEXTGEN: Database Engine” and follow prompts to uninstall.
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